Please check the app for lunch and breakfast menu changes this week. The food distribution truck did not make a delivery this week. The only impact to students will be menu options. Thank you for your understanding.

This Friday, September 3rd will start our early out PLC days! LWJ will dismiss at 1:30 pm. The High School will dismiss at 1:30 pm. The Middle School will release at 1:50 pm!

District September Newsletter

This Friday, August 27th will be a full day of school. PLC Early release will begin Friday, September 3rd! Have a great day!

Community Tailgate This Friday 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM at The Football Field Before The St. James Tigers Take on The California Pintos

Have a great first day of school TIGERS!

Great Teacher PD day! Thanks for sharing with us @unfoldthesoul Ken Williams! #StartWithTheCrown #STJSchools #OneTeam #OneFamily #OneMission

Please view the level of entry for the 2021-2022 school year.

August 2021 St. James School District Newsletter!

Student enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year is open. You should be receiving the following letter in your email shortly.

Want to alway be in the loop? Go download the new app in the app store!

You asked for it, we got it! This year we are joining Titan Family Connect to monitor your student meals, all online payment processing (meals, fees, and more), Free & Reduced Applications, with more exciting options coming. Get a head start, sign up online and download the App. All the information is not in yet but it is coming soon so sign up now.
Here are the instructions to register at https://family.titank12.com/ :
1. Register
Register at: https://family.titank12.com/ or download Titan Family Connect App
2. Confirm Email
Confirm your email address by clicking on the email verification link sent to your email address.
3. Sign-in
Now you can sign in at https://family.titank12.com/ using your email and password

We’re thrilled to announce the new app for St.
James R-1, MO! Access documents, news updates, even
emergency notifications! Download the app on Android:
https://bit.ly/3w6XxGV or iPhone: https://apple.co/35Z1vHi.

Have a happy and safe 4th of July from St. James Schools!

St. James School District July Newsletter

Great opportunity for any interested!

St. James R-I School District is excited to announce our 2020-2021 Teacher & Staff member of the year!

Today, May 26, is the last day of school for the 20-21 school year! Students will be dismissed early today! Have a safe and happy summer, Tigers! #STJTigerPride

Please come out and support your State Qualifiers Camille and Kaiden on Saturday at 10:30 we will line the road and cheer them on as they head to state.