Please bundle up! It is cold outside pull your TIGER stocking caps out, coats, and gloves. St. James Schools are in session today.

Due to the projected forecast and the timing of the snowfall St. James R-I School District will not be in session today, Thursday, January 6, 2022. Have a great day and stay safe.

Meet the St. James R-1 School District Central Office Bunch!

Happy second semester,
We have passed the midpoint of the 2021-2022 school year. I hope all staff, students, and families had a great break and find themselves ready to finish the school year strong. The second semester can be exciting in the school world. We progress towards spring with graduation, the next grade level, and the next chapter of our lives. Let us not forget we move toward warm weather as well! However, we will most likely encounter a few winter weather storms between now and then.
I wanted to remind everyone that if we have to cancel school, the announcement will be sent out via the district all-call system, text message, and email to parents. In addition, it will also be made available on district social media, the website, and St James R-I will also use the following outlets listed in the picture.
Tim Webster
Superintendent of Schools

Reminder school will be back in session Tuesday, January 4th!

Have a great day!

We wish you a great day!

Congrats to our November/December Leading the Tiger Way Winners at the High School! Mrs. Dawn Kurtti and Mr. Tyler Glidden

Congrats to our November/December Leading the Tiger Way Winners at the Middle School! Mrs. Cheryl McCall-Tisron and Mrs. Nancy Davis

Congrats to our November/December Leading the Tiger Way Winners at LWJ! Mrs. Becky Huffman and Ms. Cara Carrier

Just a friendly reminder! Today Friday, December 17th will be an early release.
LWJ at 12:30 pm
MS at 12:50 pm
HS at 12:30 pm.
Have a great Christmas Break!

Good afternoon,
The administration at St. James High School became aware of rumors circulating in the building regarding a social media threat of school violence. We immediately began investigating and have determined this is not substantiated as a credible threat. Please know that the safety of our students and staff is always a top priority for us.
The social media (Tik-Tok) threat was determined universal for all schools, encouraging students to partake in violence on Friday, December 17th. This was not a threat made towards St. James Schools or by any St. James student. At no time were students or staff in any harm.
Our administration has confirmed that several copycat threats are circulating nationwide due to the Michigan school tragedy. This can cause an upheaval in talk of incidents and cause anxiety with students. Our district always takes any threat of violence seriously and works with our local police department. We will continue to stay in communication with them over the next few days to help ease any anxiety created by this type of situation and ensure the safety of students and staff. Everyone at St. James Schools is safe, and we are continuing to focus on teaching and learning today as we finish strong before Christmas Break.
Tim Webster
Superintendent of Schools

Mrs. Watson's advisory class planned and organized a canned food drive and the students at St. James Middle School. They meet their goal and also were surprised with a $250.00 donation from the St. James Middle School Boys Basketball team. Thank you to everyone who donated to make this drive so successful- special thanks to St. James PTCO for donating the gift cards for raffle prizes!

November 2021 St. James School District Newsletter

October 2021 Newsletter

We are pretty excited to have our new Tiger to look over the Auditorium Entrance!

Excited to announce our September Leading the Tiger Way Teachers of the month! Elementary teacher- Traci Bahr, Middle School Teacher- Leslie Perona, and High School Teacher- Katie Shultz!

Excited to announce our September Leading the Tiger Way Staff members of the month! Elementary Nutrition Staff Member- Jamie Jones, Middle School Custodian- Pete Mitchell, High School Administrative Assistant- Lori Garver, and not pictured Central Office Staff member Becky Ehrenreich

St. James Schools having an excellent opportunity to use the new auditorium today with guest speaker Dr. Margie Vandeven the Commissioner of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. We would like to thank Dr. Vandeven for meeting with local school leaders today!