Mrs. Rivers' class has published their very own picture book titled “Show Me Polar Animals!” To celebrate their achievement, the class held a publishing party attended by some proud parents. The students read their book to the audience during the party. Afterward, they enjoyed some snacks based on a few of their favorite books! When we empower our students, they take control of their learning, fostering a sense of ownership that can propel them towards achieving their goals. Through collaboration and hard work, our Tigers not only created something remarkable but gained valuable skills and confidence that will benefit them in their future. #EmpoweringStudents #academicexcellence #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Kindergarten publishes picture book.
Kindergarten publishes picture book.
Kindergarten publishes picture book.
Kindergarten publishes picture book.
Kindergarten publishes picture book.
Kindergarten publishes picture book.
Kindergarten publishes picture book.
Kindergarten publishes picture book.
Kindergarten publishes picture book.
Kindergarten publishes picture book.
Learning Highlight! Kindergarten students attended the wedding of two very special letters this morning - Q and U. Now, you might be wondering, "why would kindergarten students attend a wedding between two letters?" This is where our students' developing knowledge of digraphs came in handy! A digraph is a pair of letters that come together to make one sound. Q relies on U to complete her words, and together they make the unique "kw" sound. To celebrate learning about the partnership between Q and U, students held a mock wedding ceremony at the high school auditorium where they got to dress up and participate as members of the wedding. After the ceremony, attendees created a tunnel and blew bubbles as Q and U headed off on their word-making adventures. Teaching through fun and engaging lessons is essential, especially for young learners. As one student said, “That was amazing and I LOVED it!” #academicexcellence #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Q and U Wedding
Q and U Wedding
Q and U Wedding
Q and U Wedding
Q and U Wedding
Q and U Wedding
Q and U Wedding
Q and U Wedding
Q and U Wedding
Q and U Wedding
SPRING FORWARD! Don’t forget to set your clocks AHEAD one hour this weekend. Daylight saving time begins this Sunday, March 12, 2023. #DaylightSavingTime #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Daylight Saving Time this weekend!
Learning Highlight Update! In today's digital age, technology has transformed the way we communicate and share stories. And for Spanish I students, this has provided an exciting opportunity to create and share their own digital storybooks as part of their Family Unit. It also allowed students to learn and practice important digital literacy skills that are becoming increasingly essential in today's workforce. The St. James R-1 High School students didn't stop there. They took their digital storybooks on the road and visited classrooms at Lucy Wortham James Elementary to read the finished books. This not only gave them a chance to showcase their hard work but also inspired younger students to embrace their creativity and discuss their own families. Student-to-student outreach is impactful to all involved and we're proud to see our students Living the Tiger Way! #caringrelationships #academicexcellence #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Spanish I students read story books.
Spanish I students read story books.
Spanish I students read story books.
Spanish I students read story books.
Spanish I students read story books.
Spanish I students read story books.
Spanish I students read story books.
Spanish I students read story books.
Spanish I students read story books.
Spanish I students read story books.
Don't forget! Superintendent Webster will be at James Memorial Public Library tomorrow from 4-5 PM to talk all things Prop TIGERS. We hope to see you there! Prop TIGERS is a $0.65 operating levy increase to RETAIN quality staff through salary increases. The levy will also be used to save money to MAINTAIN current buildings and increase safety in the St. James R-1 School District. #propTIGERS #retainandmaintain #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Community Conversations at JMPL
Save the Date! Spring Pictures will be held on Thursday, April 6, 2023 for Lucy Wortham James Elementary School and St. James Middle School. To order: #pictureday #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Spring Picture Day
🐅 It's TIGERS Tuesday 🐅 Every Tuesday we'll be sharing about Prop TIGERS with our community to make sure they have accurate information about the proposed measure. "I love seeing the students' smiling faces every day," Jones responded when asked why she continues to work in our District. "Knowing they have full bellies and are ready to learn means we’ve done our job. It brings me a lot of happiness." Proposition TIGERS is a $0.65 operating levy increase to RETAIN quality staff through salary increases. The levy will also be used to save money to MAINTAIN current buildings and increase safety in the St. James R-1 School District. For more information: #PropTIGERS #retainandmaintain #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Food Service and Prop TIGERS
Kindergarten students invited everyone to join in celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday with their Spirit Week! “From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!” From that silly Cat in the Hat hanging out in the building one day, all kinds of wacky hair and clothes, showing off what they want to be when they grow up, or sporting green gear, students and staff had a blast joining in on the fun. While we had fun, we also want to remind everyone of the importance of literacy. Reading is a key skill that opens up doors to knowledge and success. And what better way to inspire our young students to read than through the whimsical and imaginative stories of Dr. Seuss? So keep reading, keep learning, and keep having fun! #academicexcellence #DrSeuss #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
Happy Music in Our Schools Month! 🎵🎶 We’re thrilled to celebrate the importance of music education in schools. Did you know that learning music not only enhances creativity and critical thinking but also improves academic performance and social skills? At St. James R-1 School District, we believe that the arts are an essential part of a well-rounded education. That's why we offer a comprehensive music curriculum that includes band, choir, and general music classes for all students. Our dedicated music teachers are passionate about helping students discover the joy of music and develop their skills. We want to take this opportunity to thank our community for their continued support of music education in our schools. Your support helps us provide high-quality music education programs that benefit our students and contribute to a thriving arts community. Let's celebrate Music in Our Schools Month by sharing the joy of music with others and recognizing the importance of arts education in shaping our future leaders. 🎶🎵 #MIOSM #MusicIsAllOfUs #ArtsinEducation #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Music In Our Schools Month
Learning Highlight! In a thought-provoking lesson about personal preference and acceptance, a group of kindergartners at Lucy Wortham James Elementary School made homemade butter in class. Inspired by Dr. Seuss's "The Butter Battle Book," the students identified strategies the “Yooks and Zooks” could have used to settle their disagreement on if the butter belongs on top of the bread or the bottom. During the story the two sides are stuck in a fixed mindset, not willing to see the perspective of the opposite opinion. Through peer discussion, the children were able to develop unique social skills from the lesson. Students took turns shaking a jar filled with cream, watching as it slowly transformed into butter. They had previously decided if they would rather have their butter on the top or bottom of their toast. After taste testing it both ways, the students took a vote: top= 3, bottom=4, both equally=11. Most agreed it was delicious either way! "The Butter Battle Book is such a great book to teach kids about how we all have different opinions and preferences," Mrs. Tory Witt said. "We learn that people are different in many ways, but they are also the same in many ways. It is important to be respectful and use positive strategies to settle conflicts when they arise with peers." Not only was making homemade butter a fun experiment, but in doing so, it taught the children a bigger lesson about how differing opinions between friends can make a friendship more interesting. They learned to step back from their own opinion to try to understand their peer's perspective. #academicexcellence #handsonlearning #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Butter Battle
Butter Battle
Butter Battle
Butter Battle
Butter Battle
Butter Battle
Butter Battle
Butter Battle
Butter Battle
Butter Battle
Congratulations to our February Leading the Tiger Way winners! LWJE: Tamara Copeland and Tammy Yamnitz Middle School: Dana Moore and Cheryl McCall-Tisron High School: Chelsie Fulton and Shea McFarland The "Leading the Tiger Way" teacher and staff of the month program is designed to spotlight one teacher and one classified staff from each building every month. We want to recognize our most dedicated and talented employees. Peers get the opportunity to nominate a teacher and staff member who exemplify the character and professional traits we strive for as a District. #leadingthetigerway #TeacherTuesday #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
LWJE Winners
MS Winners
HS Winners
🐅 It's TIGERS Tuesday 🐅 Every Tuesday we'll be sharing about Prop TIGERS with our community to make sure they have accurate information about the proposed measure. "I love getting to be around the kids and they make everyday great," Soper responded when asked why she continues to work in our District. "I finished my paraprofessional certification through Missouri S&T not long ago, so I hope to be moving into a classroom soon. I'm excited about working with students directly." Proposition TIGERS is a $0.65 operating levy increase to RETAIN quality staff through salary increases. The levy will also be used to save money to MAINTAIN current buildings and increase safety in the St. James R-1 School District. For more information:
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Essential Eyes and Ears
Mission Monday Highlight! High school students recently visited with Donna Arthur from Missouri S&T to discuss higher-needed engineering programs. She also talked about various camps and student organization opportunities available to Missouri S&T students. This visit was a prime example of how community partnerships can empower our students to achieve their academic and personal goals. We believe that by connecting our students with resources and opportunities beyond the walls of our district, we can help them reach their full potential. Thank you to Donna Arthur for taking the time to speak with our students and we look forward to continuing to build partnerships that benefit our students and community. #missionmonday #communitypartnerships #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Mission Monday: S&T College Visit
Mission Monday: S&T College Visit
Mission Monday: S&T College Visit
Learning Highlight! Second grade students at Lucy Wortham James Elementary School explored the world of cave art by creating their own masterpieces. The purpose of the project was to teach students about neutral colors and symbols, while also giving them a glimpse into the lives of early humans who created cave paintings. Using flashlights in the dark, the students pretended to be inside a cave as they drew their designs on paper. They used only neutral colors, such as brown, white, and black, to create their cave wall art. Throughout the project, the students learned about the reasons early humans created cave art, such as to tell stories, communicate ideas, and record important events. They also discovered what it was like to live during prehistoric times and how difficult it was to create art without modern tools and materials. Our District supports Arts in Education as it not only provides a fun and educational experience, but also gives a deeper understanding of history and culture. #ArtsinEducation #LWJE #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Cave Art Project
Cave Art Project
Cave Art Project
Cave Art Project
Cave Art Project
Cave Art Project
Cave Art Project
Cave Art Project
Cave Art Project
Cave Art Project
In partnership with James Memorial Public Library, the St. James R-1 School District will hold its second Community Conversations event on March 9, 2023 at 4 PM. Stop by and visit with Superintendent Webster about District updates and Prop TIGERS: a $0.65 operating levy increase to RETAIN quality staff through salary increases. The levy will also be used to save money to MAINTAIN current buildings and increase safety in the St. James R-1 School District. For more information: #communityconversations #propTIGERS #stjschools
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Community Conversations at JMPL on 3/19/23 at 4 PM.
Early Childhood Screenings for the 2023-2024 school year will be held next week at Lucy Wortham James Elementary School! Thursday, March 2nd from 3:30 - 7:00 Friday, March 3rd from 3:30 - 7:00 Saturday, March 4th from 8 AM - 12 PM Current Tiger Cubs students do NOT need to make an appointment for screening! To make an appointment please call: (573) 265-2300 ext. 10608. #LWJE #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Early Childhood Screenings
The District held our first Community Conversations event at the St. James Senior Center today. Superintendent Webster visited with patrons to discuss the proposed operating levy increase. It was a great opportunity to ask questions and learn more about Proposition TIGERS. We're proud of our community for coming together to make informed decisions for the betterment of our schools. Let's continue to stay informed and involved in shaping our future! Our next Community Conversations will be on March 9, 2023 at 4 PM at James Memorial Public Library! For more information about Prop TIGERS: #propTIGERS #communitypartnerships #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Superintendent Webster visits with community members about Prop TIGERS.
Community Conversations next at JMPL on 3/9/23 at 4 PM.
ABSENTEE VOTING → Even if you’re not going to be in town or you’re not able to vote on Election Day, absentee voting is an available option. Mail in or faxed absentee ballot requests must be received by the election authority no later than 5:00 PM on the second Wednesday prior to the April 4th election. Voters can vote by absentee in the office of the local election authority until 5:00 PM the night before the election. Learn more: For more information: call the County Clerk's office at (573) 458-6000 or visit the Clerk's website here - ONLINE ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUEST to complete & print: #TIGERStuesday #propTIGERS #retainandmaintain
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Absentee Voting  Now Open
🐅 It's TIGERS Tuesday 🐅 Every Tuesday we'll be sharing about Prop TIGERS with our community to make sure they have accurate information about the proposed measure. "I grew up in a really small town and I knew I wanted to work in a smaller school district," Millsap responded when asked why she chose to work in our District. "Smaller districts are like family and I love working here." Proposition TIGERS is a $0.65 operating levy increase to RETAIN quality staff through salary increases. The levy will also be used to save money to MAINTAIN current buildings and increase safety in the St. James R-1 School District. For more information: #PropTIGERS #retainandmaintain #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Our Front Line: Prop TIGERS
Mission Monday Highlight! Middle school students created heartfelt Valentine’s Day cards and messages for the veterans in our community last week. Our mission focuses on empowering students through caring relationships within our schools as well as in our community. We are proud and inspired by seeing our students spreading love and appreciation for those who have served our country. Let's all take a moment to thank our veterans and show them how much we care! #ValentinesForVeterans #caringrelationships #missionmakers #stjschools #tigerpride
over 1 year ago, St. James R-I School District
Mission Monday
MS students make valentines.
MS students make valentines.
MS students make valentines.
MS students make valentines.
MS students make valentines.
MS students make valentines.