Terry Border calls on a student during his presentation.

Renowned author and illustrator Terry Border visited the students of Lucy Wortham James Elementary School this morning, much to the excitement of students and staff alike. During his visit, Border read from his award-winning book, SNACK ATTACK!, which recently won the 2022 Show Me Award in Missouri. He also explained how he creates his books from idea to finished product and answered questions.

Earlier this month, students created their own characters out of paper and out of food, in a nod to Border's popular books, which feature whimsical characters made from everyday items. The activity proved to be a big hit with the students, who showed off their creations to Border by displaying them.

Visits from accomplished authors like Border can be a powerful tool for inspiring students to pursue their own creative interests and helps create the link between the finished book and the name on the front cover.

Thank you to Terry Border for your visit to St. James R-1 School District: "You never know who might show up and become a great friend. So always be open to possibility!"